Solar panels idea for leisure centre
Dear Sir,
I would like to pick up on one issue from your excellent editorial on Congleton Leisure Centre in last week's Chronicle.
This is the provision of solar panels on the site to help with the energy costs of heating the water in the pool that is such a high proportion of the running costs.
Whether these be photovoltaic or water heating or a combination, they would be a timely reminder that the borough understands the challenge of climate change and is doing what it can to counter it.
This is especially important when many of the users will be school children, giving them some ammunition to tackle their parents with when discussing this subject.
What would the absence of these very visible structures say about Cheshire East's priorities as we move into an era of possible global catastrophe?
If their initial cost is an issue, I am sure there are many people in the area who would be willing to help the borough out, assuming they get a suitable return on their investment.
Yours faithfully,