Plant more trees for a better society
Dear Sir,
I agree with Trevor Boxer, in last week's Chronicle that Cheshire East should plant more trees.
As well as replacing those lost to disease, new developments and other causes, the borough generally suffers from a lack of trees.
The advantages, as he mentions, are many and include more biodiversity, less water runoff helping to reduce fl ooding, less pollution, a brighter visual scene and a calming infl uence perhaps even reducing road rage.
It should institute a rolling plan of tree planting along our major roads, as part of some open green areas and on any new estates.
Some areas would be suitable for community planting, something many primary schools and other groups are keen to get involved in.
Indeed, planting trees helps to create stronger communities by imbuing a sense of joint ownership, something lacking from today's ownership based society.
Yours faithfully,